
Asset Tracking: Fixed, Movable & Immovable with Inventory Control

Asset Tracking: Fixed, Movable & Immovable with Inventory Control

Here’s a comprehensive guide to effectively track fixed, movable, and immovable assets, including inventory:

  • Asset Identification
  • Asset Inventory
  • Asset Depreciation
  • Asset Movement Tracking
  • Asset Check-in/Check-out Procedures
  • Asset Maintenance Tracking
  • Asset Mapping
  • Asset Condition Assessments
  • Asset Ownership Documentation
  • Inventory Management System
  • Inventory Cycle Counting
  • Inventory Valuation

Tracking Fixed, Movable, and Immovable Assets, including inventory, is crucial for businesses to maintain accurate financial records, ensure asset security, and optimize asset utilization.

In this post, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of asset tracking, and we’ll do it in a way that’s easy to understand, not overly formal. 

Key Facts

  • Learn how to track various types of assets, including fixed, movable, immovable, and inventory.
  • Understand the importance of asset tracking for financial records, security, and operational efficiency.
  • Differentiate between fixed, movable, immovable assets, and inventory.
  • Explore effective asset tracking methods for each asset type.
  • Discover tips for making your asset tracking more efficient and reliable.
  • Emphasize the significance of clear asset management policies, regular audits, employee training, and technology utilization.
  • Conclude by highlighting the impact of proper asset tracking on business success in South Africa.

Types Of Assets

Let’s start by understanding the different types of assets you might be dealing with:

  • Fixed Assets: These are the things that stay put, like buildings, land, and heavy machinery.
  • Movable Assets: These are the ones that can move around, such as vehicles or portable equipment.
  • Immovable Assets: Think of this as real estate, like your office building or a plot of land.
  • Inventory: It’s the goods and products you have in stock, ready to be sold.

Asset Tracking Methods

Fixed Assets

  • Asset Identification: Assign unique identification numbers to all fixed assets, such as barcode labels or RFID tags. This allows for easy identification and tracking throughout their lifecycle.
  • Asset Inventory: Conduct regular physical inventory counts to verify the existence and condition of fixed assets. This helps identify any discrepancies or losses.
  • Asset Depreciation: Implement a depreciation schedule to track the decline in the value of fixed assets over time. This ensures accurate financial reporting.

Movable Assets

  • Asset Movement Tracking: Monitor the movement of movable assets between locations and departments. This can be done using asset tracking software or manual logs.
  • Asset Check-in/Check-out Procedures: Establish clear procedures for checking out and checking in movable assets. This helps prevent unauthorized usage or loss.
  • Asset Maintenance Tracking: Keep track of maintenance activities and schedules for movable assets to ensure they are in good working condition.

Immovable Assets

  • Asset Mapping: Create detailed maps or floor plans that identify the location of immovable assets. This is particularly useful for large facilities or properties.
  • Asset Condition Assessments: Conduct regular inspections to assess the condition of immovable assets and identify any potential maintenance or repair needs.
  • Asset Ownership Documentation: Maintain accurate documentation of ownership, including deeds, titles, and other legal documents.


  • Inventory Management System: Implement an inventory management system to track stock levels, reorder points, and supplier information.
  • Inventory Cycle Counting: Conduct regular cycle counts to verify inventory accuracy and identify any discrepancies.
  • Inventory Valuation: Use appropriate valuation methods to determine the value of inventory for financial reporting purposes.

Additional Tips

Now, let’s dive into some tips to make your asset tracking more effective:

  • Establish Clear Asset Management Policies: Define who’s responsible for what, and make sure everyone in your organization is on the same page.
  • Regular Audits and Reconciliation: Periodic checks and reconciliations help identify discrepancies and prevent losses.
  • Employee Training: Educate your staff on the importance of asset tracking and the tools you use. Well-informed employees are more likely to contribute to the success of your asset management.
  • Utilizing Technology: If you’re not already using asset management software, it’s time to consider it. It simplifies tracking and provides real-time data, making your job a whole lot easier.


Proper asset tracking is an essential aspect of managing your business effectively in South Africa. 

Whether your assets are fixed, movable, immovable, or inventory, the methods you choose and the best practices you follow can significantly impact your operations and financial well-being. 

By staying compliant with South African regulations and adopting efficient tracking methods, you can ensure that your business thrives and prospers.

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