Consulting Services

Business Development, Consulting and Advisory Services Solutions

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There is a popular African proverb that goes “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far go together”.

This proverb is pregnant with meaning. It presents two options. One is “do you want to go fast? Go alone”. This is self-explanatory. If speed is what you are after, then you will have to face the road alone. However, keep in mind that being fast doesn’t necessarily mean you are going in the right direction. The second option is “do you want to go far? Go together”. This is also self-explanatory. If long term sustainability is what you, your company/department/organization want, then it goes to say you need partners.

This is where Synergy Evolution comes in. Experts in the field of asset management. The client-centered firm you can trust to be there by your side every step of the way.

To prove it, on top of our core service of asset management, we offer business development, consulting and advisory services solutions for you. This is our way of complimenting your efforts to stay on top of your industry.

These services are very important as they give you a competitive edge. No company can compete with you, especially when you have an incredibly skilled team like Synergy Evolution on your side.

As part of this service offering, we have the following items you can consult, and seek advice on at affordable prices.

Customer Service

Customer service is the provision of services prior, during and after a customer purchases a product or service. These services can be in the form of information, knowledge, support etc. As a result, customer service in South Africa becomes a holistic approach. In which, your company makes sure that the customer experience is seamless from start to finish.

Importance of customer service.

  • Customer service retains value
  • Represents your brand and values, mission, and goals
  • Excellent customer service makes happy customers (this is very good for business)
  • Good customer service makes clients refer others
  • It encourages customers to stay loyal
  • Customers are willing to pay more when they get excellent service. 
  • Good service can offer insights into customer experience
  • The lifetime value of the customers increases with good service
  • Proactive customer service creates marketing opportunities.

Of course, the list is not exhaustive. However, it should give you a clearer picture of some of the benefits of customer service. 

Here at Synergy Evolution we do offer consulting and advisory services on how best to deal with customers. On top of your asset management services, you can add this service to cement your company’s/department/organization’s strength.

Project Management.

As a business or organization, you might want to run some projects. By definition, a project is an undertaking to accomplish the preset objective(s)within a given time period using set resources. The one in charge of running a project is the project manager.

There are unique skills required to successfully run a project. These include planning, organizing, directing, staffing and controlling among other vital skills.

With Synergy Evolution by your side, you do not have to worry about completing a project successfully. We have trained and highly skilled project managers with experience spanning from private work, governmental and even international. In fact, how to successfully run a project should be the last thing in your mind.

Project management involves the following stages.

Conception and initiation 

Concept an Initiation is the beginning of the project. At this stage, we help you define the parameters of the project and set out the objectives. 

Project planning

This is where we set out our S.M.A.R.T. goals.

S – SPECIFIC – set of specific goals (answer the what, when, where, why, which, and who)

M – MEASURABLE – create measures for success

A – ATTAINABLE – which goals are important and what will it take to achieve them

R – REALISTIC – are we willing and able to work towards the goal?

T – TIMELY – create a time frame to achieve the goal

Project Execution 

This is the boots on the ground stage where we carry out what we have been planning.

Performance and Monitoring 

In this stage we ask ourselves, are we meeting the goals we set out to achieve? Are the resources aligning with their planned use? How far are we from finishing the project? What needs to be corrected? Etc.

Project close 

This last stage is the roundup, to wrap up and conclude the project.

For all your project management needs, Synergy Evolution has got you covered!


CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It is a technology for managing all the company’s relationships and interactions with customers.

Customers are the reason you and business do what you do. You are providing value to them. Thus it is very crucial that you have in place mechanisms to deal with them. You need a robust system.

Sales, customer service, business development, hiring, marketing, and any other line of business can benefit from a CRM system. It makes it easier to manage the external interactions and relationships that drive success.

A CRM solution allows you to keep track of customer and prospect contact information, uncover sales possibilities, track service issues, and manage marketing campaigns all in one place. And also it makes information about every customer encounter available to everyone who needs it at your organization. 

Collaboration and productivity are easier to achieve when data is visible and accessible. Everyone in your firm can see how consumers were contacted, what they purchased, when they last purchased, how much they paid, and much more. CRM can assist businesses of all sizes in achieving their goals.

With us, you can have this set up for your company/department/organization as well! We want to make sure your business runs as smoothly and as efficiently as possible.

Business process and solutions.

Every business is bound to bump into some challenges. It’s inevitable! However, with the right team, you can overcome almost any challenge. Synergy Evolution is your partner when you run into some challenges.

Because of our experience in business development, we are better positioned to assist in dealing with business issues. That is why our services extend into consultation and advisory on business processes and solutions.

Processes help the business run effectively and efficiently. Once a good system is in place it has a tendency to run itself without the need for intervention. Best practice business processes are meant to help you and your business utilize the resources you have to the maximum.

So, whatever mountain you face, you can consult us as Synergy Evolution to assist you to navigate through the storm.

Management systems, Information technology, Cloud

It is no secret that technology has revolutionized the way we conduct business. Not only is it beneficial to you and your business to embrace technology, but it’s also a must! Or else…

Or else, you risk becoming a dinosaur!

Smart people like yourself understand the need to utilize every available technology to stay ahead of the competition.

Here, at Synergy Evolution, we have the best IT and cloud technologies for your businesses to use. Some of which have been discussed above (e.g. CRM technology, asset management software etc.). We have additional technologies you can consult us for, particularly regarding storage, work management, HR (payroll, receipts, sales etc.)

Furthermore, we have a consultation and advisory services for the best management systems you set up for your business.

It is important to note that these are not blanket offers. Rather, all the services you can acquire from Synergy are tailored to your needs.

Every one of our clients is unique and we will only offer solutions specifically tailored for them. This is also influenced by the size of the business you have, your budget, and the magnitude of the issue we are dealing with.

HR, Business Partners

HR stands for Human Resources. This is the set of people who make your business workforce. These individuals are also known as manpower or labour force. They possess certain skills and knowledge which is vital to the operations of your business.

That being said, HR becomes the practice of recruiting, training and capacity building, as well as administration of benefits to these groups of people.

It is an extensive topic that we can cover in this post. However, you should be able to appreciate the important role they play.

At Synergy, we also offer consultation and advisory services on HR and business partnerships. Our role in this will be tailor-making an HR system that best serves your business. 

More so, we also offer services regarding business partnerships that can best take your business to the next level. In the event you are interested in going into partnership with other businesses or individuals, our services cover extensive research on the potential partner. In addition to research, Synergy Evolution will give recommendations on what possible steps to take.

Rounding up, at Synergy we have an extensive offering of services to make sure that you and your business are well taken care of. 

We want to see you succeed!
When you do, we are joyous to have been part of the journey with you.
Get in touch with us today!

Other services we offer.

  • Asset management solution
    • Asset, employees, leases, space and other verifications
    • Data collection, cleansing and analytics
    • Any type of research work
    • Asset reconciliations
  • Education and training solutions.
  • Project management solutions
  • System and technology solutions

    • System implementation
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We’ve been alerted to fraudulent job offers being circulated via WhatsApp, Telegram, and email by individuals falsely claiming to represent  Synergy Evolution.

These offers typically involve part-time online jobs, including watching YouTube videos for payment, and may ask for personal information.

Please be aware:

  • Synergy does not offer such jobs.
  • We never request personal information or payment for job applications in this manner.
  • All legitimate job openings are posted exclusively on our official website and through verified channels.

If you’ve received any suspicious messages:

  1. Do not engage or provide any personal details.
  2. Block and report the sender through the respective platform.
  3. Contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding job offers.

Your security is our top priority. Thank you for your vigilance and for being a valued member of our community.

Synergy Evolution Team

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